
Each week we have a poem of the week. The children have a copy of the poem in their poem book which they bring home each Friday.

Welcome, children.
I’m happy you’re here.
We’re all going to have
A wonderful year.
We’ll read
And we’ll write
And we’ll sing
And we’ll play
We’ll build and we’ll paint
And learn new things each day.

Elephants Trunk
The Elephant has
a trunk, like.....

a wiggly, wiggly hose.

The elephant has a trunk,
but he hasn't got a nose!

Ice Cream

I scream, you scream,
we all scream for ice cream.

1 scoop, 2 scoop, 3 scoop, 4.
We want ice cream,
let's have some more.

Jelly in a Bowl

Jelly in a bowl,
Jelly in a bowl.
Wibble, wobble,
wibble, wobble.
Jelly in a bowl.

The Wind

The wind came
and the wind came puffing.

The wind came
and the wind came

The wind came
and my hat went

The Wind

The wind
up and
took my hat.

it went,
just like that!

"Good," I said.
"I am lucky.
That old hat
was really yucky!"